Here’s a collection of various one-off pieces and small campaigns I’ve kept over the years for some reason.

They’re like that old, torn up woobie that’s hard to let go.

Pssst. Juicy Fruit is now sugar-free.

JuicyFruit 'Ants' Small.jpg

Let’s ask people why they sit in traffic all day, while they’re sitting in traffic all day.

What’s the best way to promote a new tailgate scratch-off ticket? By throwing a tailgate party of course.


We interrupt this program to give you a quick tip about colon health.

Imitation reefer unit parts? Good luck.

How do you react to winning a million bucks on Halloween?

We launched the first interactive color paint mobile app when few people knew what an app was.

Turns out, there is no substitute for owning your own home.


Military Museum of North Florida